Access BDD are a Which? recommended lift supplier
We are an approved supplier for Access BDD so we are delighted that they are a Which? Recommended Provider.
This means customers know that the products we fit for them are the best on the market.
Which? use seven research evaluation categories and Access BDD achieved a five-star rating in five of the categories, this placed them in a prime position. We know that people trust Which? – it makes our life easier, when a customer can see that the product we recommend is also endorsed by such a well-respected consumer champion.
Recently a customer had done his own research and came to us saying the Flow X from Access BDD was the right lift for him. Once we’d visited his home and saw the complex curves of his stairs, we didn’t disagree!
Being recognised by Which? has given the Access BDD products we stock extra gravitas. If you’d like to compare the features of the Flow X and HomeGlide stairlift solutions from Access BDD, have a look at our stairlift feature comparison table.
Call our friendly team today on 029 2061 1277, or complete the contact form.